Website. Facebook. LinkedIn. Twitter. Pinterest. Instagram. The buzz urging nonprofit organizations to implement a good strategy online is deafening. By now, I’m sure development...
A beginning yoga practitioner knows a pose is all wrong when she wobbles and falls over. She returns to center, refocuses, and tries again. Her yogi(ni) guides her to the proper position so she can...
LIFECYCLE OF A CHARITABLE DONATION February 26, 2014 Aloft Cleveland 1111 W 10th St Cleveland, OH 44113 Full participation is applicable for 6.0 points in Category 1.B –...
Big River is always working to improve and refine our platform for online giving. Based on client feedback and shifting needs in the nonprofit world, new functionality and features are released on a...
In a former life, I studied literature and creative writing, so it’s no surprise the mantra “show don’t tell” is one that will forever ring in my ears. When I see something...
Sponsored by Howard, Wershbale & Co., the Executive Guide to Nonprofit Success offers a full day of presentations on topics ranging from website design to legal challenges confronting nonprofits...