Fundraising Lessons From #PrimeDayFail

  If you’ve been enjoying #primedayfail tweets as much as I have, it may be hard to think back 48 hours, but let’s try.  Really, Amazon’s “Prime Day” was a genius idea, poorly executed.   There...

6 Types of Shareable Facebook Content

  If you are responsible for promoting your nonprofit on Facebook, you crave likes and follows.  You want your status to go viral so you can connect with a broader audience.  But how do you do...

Get Ready For #GivingTuesday

#GivingTuesday is a quick sprint, but if you want to make the most of it, you need to start getting ready now.  You don’t want to sink too much time and too many resources into the 24 hour...

How To Get First-Time Donors To Give Again

Guest Post  By Joe Garecht Joe is the founder of The Fundraising Authority and Smart Political Fundraising.  He has authored several books on fundraising, including How to Raise More Money for Any...

Lessons On Donor Centricity From Taylor Swift

  What if there was a guru who could show you how to engage current donors, acquire new donors, and get your brand in front of huge numbers of prospects?  There isher name is Taylor Swift.  (You...

20 Must-See Sources Of In-Kind Raffle Prizes

    Whether you run a raffle in conjunction with a fundraising event, or as a stand-alone effort, the key to successful ticket sales is quality prizes.  Of course, you can always offer cash...