Scottish Snowplows (Really) So first an English lesson, since we are, in the words of George Bernard Shaw, “Two peoples separated by a common language” A Gritter is a Snowplow/Salt...
This year’s Giving Tuesday is planned for December 3rd, but you should be planning now to capitalize on this rapidly growing national movement. Having grow exponentially since its founding...
Saying that digital security is important isn’t exactly a revelation. A recent look at the news features fake fundraisers, Cyberassaults on small towns and previously well-respected nonprofits...
As a new feature, we will be posting some little ideas from our clients and partners every month, in hope that it might spark some ideas for you and your team. This month; Be The (Substitute) Gift...
Software and Support from Cleveland-Based Company Will Aim to Increase Engagement and Donations CLEVELAND OH AUGUST 5, 2019- United Way of Summit County (, after a lengthy...