Planned and Legacy gifts ensure a foundation of future funding, and as these donations are typically some of the largest a nonprofit will receive...
The 4th quarter of the calendar year is the most critical giving season -- especially December, where nearly 1/3 of the year's giving occurs...
DonorPoint is proud to announce that, for the NINTH consecutive year, we have been independently verified to be PCI-DSS Compliant in 2024! We have a regularly-updated data security protocol...
A robust annual fundraising plan plays an influential role in the health of a school (at any level) or a church (of any size). Here are some recommendations on how to position your annual fundraising...
Volunteers are a nonprofit's greatest asset. Without them, the work of creating solutions that improve lives would suffer unavoidable hardship. Here are some ways you can maximize the impact of...
Many schools and churches don't leverage a fundamental, tailor-made fundraising initiative: a Festival. We'll educate you on the benefits of Festivals, what to expect when you plan and run one, and...