Big River to attend bbcon2013: Sept 29 – Oct 1, Washington D.C.

As always, this year’s bbcon program is packed with program sessions, thought leader presentations, and insight into technology as  it pertains to managing your donor database, engaging your donors, maximizing your fundraising efforts and much more. .

With more than 2,000 nonprofit professionals from 900 different organizations in attendance, the annual conference offers a unique opportunity to network with colleagues throughout the nonprofit sector.  “Birds of a Feather” gatherings encourage attendees to mix and mingle and learn from each other’s experience.

Big River is looking forward to gathering and discussing the ways in which ecommerce best practices can be employed by nonprofits to learn more about their constituents, maximize online and mobile donations, and analyze the performance of their campaigns.

If you are attending the conference, contact us to schedule a meeting at

